🏡 The Real Estate Marketing Update - Edition 13

One tip, one tool, and one trending news story to generate more (and better) buyer and seller leads.

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Welcome back.

This edition's theme (sponsored by our favorite newsletter platform, Beehiiv) is all about building and leveraging your authority and expertise. You will get 12 specific authority-building tactics. We share our favorite tool for distributing your knowledge via email. And, you’ll get a nice little shortcut for growing on LinkedIn.

If you missed our previous editions, you can check them out here.

Or, if you’re caught up, let’s jump right in.

Scroll down for one actionable tip that can immediately boost your lead generation, one handy tool that can simplify your tech stack management, and one essential news story that will keep you updated on the latest trends impacting your lead generation efforts.

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Tip of the Week

12 Tactics You Can Use Now to Build Authority and Generate More Business

As online marketing becomes ubiquitous, your challenge is no longer just about being present online but about standing out as an authoritative and expert figure in your field.

Here’s how to leverage your expertise and authority to attract and convert qualified leads.

1. Content Marketing: Educate and Inform

Content marketing isn't new, but its effectiveness lies in its execution. For you, this means creating and disseminating valuable content that attracts and educates potential clients, thereby showcasing your expertise.

Actionable Tactics:

Develop a Comprehensive Content Hub: Create a series of in-depth blog posts covering everything from the basics of buying and selling to advanced topics like market trends and investment strategies. Each blog post should aim to answer common questions, provide insights into the local market, and offer actionable advice.

Leverage Long-Form Guides and eBooks: Publish comprehensive guides or eBooks on specific topics such as "The First-Time Homebuyer’s Guide" or "How to Maximize Your Home’s Value Before Selling." Promote these through your social media channels and website, and offer them as free downloads in exchange for email addresses to build your lead database.

Video Tutorials and Webinars: Host regular webinars and create video tutorials that delve into complex real estate topics. These platforms can help you share your knowledge and directly engage with your audience, reinforcing your position as a go-to resource.

2. Social Proof and Testimonials

Social proof is a powerful tool in establishing trust and authority. Testimonials, reviews, and case studies can significantly influence potential clients’ perceptions and decisions.

Actionable Tactics:

Gather and Display Reviews: Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on popular platforms like Google, Yelp, and your Facebook business page. You can regularly update your website with new testimonials and create a dedicated section where potential clients can easily view them.

Create Case Studies: Develop detailed case studies of successful or challenging transactions. Highlight your role in navigating these situations, challenges, and outcomes. Share these case studies on your website and link to them in your newsletters and social media updates.

Client Success Stories on Video: Capture your clients' video testimonials and success stories. Video adds a layer of authenticity and emotion that text alone can’t convey. Share these videos on your YouTube channel and embed them on your website.

3. Strategic Use of SEO and Local Search

SEO, particularly local SEO, is crucial for Realtors aiming to capture the attention of potential buyers and sellers in specific geographical areas.

Actionable Tactics:

Optimize for Local Keywords: Research and use local keywords throughout your online content. Keywords such as "[city] real estate market" or "homes for sale in [neighborhood]" can help you rank higher in search engine results for local queries.

Google Business Profile Optimization: Ensure your Google Business Profile is comprehensive and up-to-date. Regularly update the profile with new posts, photos, and offers. Encourage clients to mention specific services in their reviews to boost relevant keywords.

Localized Content Creation: Create content that addresses specific local issues or events related to real estate. For instance, write about how a new local development project will impact home values or local community lifestyle features that might attract buyers to certain areas.

4. Educational Online Workshops and Speaking Engagements

Hosting educational workshops and participating in speaking engagements are excellent ways for Realtors to demonstrate authority and connect directly with potential clients.

Actionable Tactics:

Host Free Workshops: Regularly host free educational workshops on home buying tips, mortgage financing, or home staging. Promote these workshops through your social media channels and local community groups.

Participate in Industry Panels: Seek opportunities to participate in panels and discussions at real estate events or webinars. This will help you network and establish yourself as a knowledgeable leader in the field.

Collaborate with Local Businesses: Partner with local businesses related to home improvement, finance, or legal services to host joint workshops. This can broaden your reach and add varied perspectives that enrich the content delivered.

One key to getting the most out of these strategies and tactics is this

For the best results, start with one thing, master it, and gradually integrate more into your marketing mix. Your knowledge and credibility are your most powerful marketing tools—use them wisely to build trust and authority, and your business will grow.

What is one thing that you feel like you know better than any of your competitors?

Let us know! We’ll even send you 3 specific tactics you can use immediately to leverage this knowledge.

Tool of the Week

Stop Overcomplicating Your Email Marketing Strategy with the Help of this Newsletter Tool

Your primary objective as a Realtor is to help people buy and sell properties.

One of the best ways to accomplish that objective is to build and nurture a collection of contacts that are receptive to your messaging.

In other words, email marketing.

And no, email marketing is not just relying on the property alerts that your IDX solution sends to people.

An effective email marketing strategy involves sending messages that your contacts find valuable and are even enticed to share with someone else.

It doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, too many Realtors never start email marketing, or they give up way too soon because it becomes overwhelming for them.

If you’re using the right tool and sticking to the fundamentals, email marketing should be easy and enjoyable. And when it gets there, it can be highly profitable for you.

One tool we’ve been absolutely loving and that we’re using here is the perfect solution for growing and monetizing your email list

Beehiiv - The Newsletter Platform

Overview: Beehiiv is strictly focused on helping creators (you) build, launch, and monetize their newsletters.

Helpful Features:

  • Creating & Editing - A user-friendly, powerful editor makes publishing newsletters and website content dead simple.

  • Publishing & Distributing - A built-in network and suite of tools to go beyond just hitting ‘publish’ that get your content seen and shared.

  • Growing & Monetizing - A process and set of options to add subscribers and create additional revenue streams from your content without needing external ad platforms or ad placements.

As a Realtor, you must have an ever-expanding knowledge of the areas you service and all periphery topics and questions surrounding a real estate transaction.

Any and all of that information is the perfect material for an effective email newsletter, one you manage on Beehiiv.

Here are 5 email newsletter ideas that you can start putting out today

  1. The Best Home Finishes I Saw This Week

  2. Recommended Home Improvements (with Examples) that Increase Property Value

  3. Interview with an Agent: Questions (and Answers) to Ask a Realtor

  4. Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood: Stores, Improvements, Events & More

  5. Vendor Spotlight: Meet My Recommended [Landscaper, Painter, Plumber, etc]

Any one of these would be helpful, interesting content for your contacts. We would open and read every one of these emails.

Surprisingly, none of our Realtors are sending us these emails 😔

This is your opportunity. Go start your real estate newsletter.

And use Beehiiv. We can’t recommend it enough.

If you have questions about our experience using Beehiiv or need help setting it up, drop us a reply, and we’ll be happy to help.

Trending Story of the Week

LinkedIn Introduces a Shortcut to Help Users Display Their Expertise.

Some users have spotted a new button in their LinkedIn posting windows to “Contribute expertise.”

LinkedIn Contribute Expertise Shortcut

This is to encourage users to continue expanding LinkedIn’s collaborative articles, dramatically boosting the platform’s SEO. This contributed content is also believed to be used to train LinkedIn’s AI to generate additional content on popular topics to keep users engaged.

Some people are opposed to this. We couldn’t care less as these LLMs will already grab and use content from other people until some law is passed in the U.S. that prevents them from doing so.

We see this as more of an opportunity.

What does this mean for you?

For LinkedIn users, this new posting call to action should create more resourceful content on the platform, which can be used to help you find work, make connections, and grow professionally.

As a real estate professional, this is a great way to quickly grow your visibility on the platform while building your authority. LinkedIn has great engagement, especially if you prune your network (i.e., reject spammy connection invites) and participate in discussions that your audience and associates are having.

One of the best ways to differentiate yourself from other Realtors is by proving your authority and expertise in topics surrounding your business. LinkedIn is a great place to do this.

What topics or questions can you answer on LinkedIn to build your authority?

Let’s connect on LinkedIn! Reply to this message with your profile URL as we’d love to learn from you and expand our network with serious Realtors like you.

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Thanks for reading.

See you next week.

The Real Estate Marketing Update Team @ imFORZA