🏡 The Real Estate Marketing Update - Edition 14

One tip, one tool, and one trending news story to generate more (and better) buyer and seller leads.

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Welcome back.

This edition's theme is giving your content a chance to succeed with the right distribution strategy. We also cover a recent website platform outage and what you can learn from the tools you rely on to generate and communicate with leads and clients.

If you missed our previous editions, you can check them out here.

Or, if you’re caught up, let’s jump right in.

Scroll down for one actionable tip that can immediately boost your lead generation, one handy tool that can simplify your tech stack management, and one essential news story that will keep you updated on the latest trends impacting your lead generation efforts.

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

There's a rising demand for high-quality video content on LinkedIn. This presents a major opportunity for brands (and thought leaders) ready to step in.

Here’s how you can capitalize:

  1. Grab your company's existing video assets, like interviews or webinars

  2. Generate dozens of clips using OpusClip

  3. Schedule your whole month’s worth of video clips on LI using our new Calendar feature

  4. Reply to comments on your videos to foster your new connections

Want the full breakdown, with examples from companies like SaaStr and Chili Piper? Read it for free here

Tip of the Week

Use This Simple Content Promotion Tactic to Improve Your Content’s Search Engine Ranking

There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and…

Your website needing legitimate backlinks to rank high organically.

Links are hard to get, especially those that impact your website’s SEO the most.

Even if you create the best, most interesting piece of content in your space, there’s a very high chance that no one will link to it, and it will never crack the top organic spots in Google or Bing.

Unless you do this…

Distribute and promote it.

Distribution and promotion should take up 80% of your time, effort, and investment compared to the 20% you spend on actually creating the content.

There are many ways to effectively distribute and promote content. We want to focus on one simple tactic, though…

Using paid search ads to boost your content’s visibility, thus increasing the likelihood that someone will see it and link to it.

How to Promote Your Content with Google Ads to Attract Backlinks

Firstly, it's crucial to understand that Google Search Ads don't directly impact your SEO in improving your organic search rankings. However, they are instrumental in amplifying the reach of your content, making it visible to content creators, bloggers, journalists, and influencers who have the potential to link back to your site in their own content.

Before you dive into the specifics of using Google Search Ads, please make sure that the content you want to promote is high-quality. It should be informative, unique, and valuable enough that others in the industry or related fields consider it worth referencing.

Actionable Tips:

  • Develop comprehensive guides on buying or selling homes in specific neighborhoods.

  • Create detailed market analysis reports that provide insights not readily available elsewhere.

  • Produce original research, surveys, or data compilations that offer new perspectives on common real estate challenges.

2. Targeting the Right Keywords with Google Search Ads

Using Google Search Ads starts with selecting the right keywords. These should be relevant to the content you are promoting and the interests of potential linkers.

Actionable Tips:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify commonly searched terms by your target audience.

  • Include long-tail keywords specific and relevant to the deeper content topics you've created, such as “2023 real estate market trends in [City].”

  • Use keywords that potential publishers or journalists might use when looking for sources or data for their stories.

3. Crafting Compelling Ad Copy

Your ad copy should be compelling enough to attract clicks and encourage engagement. Highlight the unique aspects of your content that make it stand out.

Actionable Tips:

  • Clearly articulate the value proposition of your content in the ad. For example, if you're promoting a guide, emphasize how it can help potential buyers navigate complex market conditions.

  • Use strong call-to-actions (CTAs) that invite users to learn more, download a report, or access detailed guides.

4. Optimizing Landing Pages

Your Google Search Ads will depend heavily on the quality of your landing pages. These pages should provide immediate value, be relevant to the ad copy, and encourage further exploration of your site.

Actionable Tips:

  • Ensure the landing page is directly relevant to the ad. For example, if someone clicks on an ad for a “Home Buying Guide in [City],” the landing page should host that guide.

  • Include clear, visible calls to action, such as options to download the content, subscribe to your newsletter, or contact you for more details.

  • Optimize the landing page for conversions, ensuring it loads quickly, displays well on mobile devices, and provides an intuitive user experience.

5. Monitoring and Adjusting Campaigns

Running an effective Google Search Ads campaign is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor. Continuous monitoring and adjustment are essential to maximize its potential.

Actionable Tips:

  • Regularly review the performance of your ads in terms of click-through rates and conversion rates. Use Google Ads’ built-in analytics tools for insights.

  • Experiment with different ad variations to see which messages resonate best with your target audience.

  • Adjust your budget based on which ads perform best, focusing your resources on the most effective content.

Leveraging Google Search Ads to enhance the visibility of your content is a potent strategy that can lead to increased backlinks, boosting your site’s SEO over time. Remember, the success of this strategy hinges on the inherent quality of the content you create and promote. It must provide genuine value to attract clicks and compel other reputable sites to link to it.

What is the best content on your website?

Let us know! We’ll review it and provide you with some specifics on setting up an associated Google Ads campaign to get it the visibility it needs to be effective for you.

Tool of the Week

Distribute Your Content and Grow Your Social Media Audience with This One Tool

Your primary objective as a Realtor is to help people buy and sell properties.

One of the best ways to accomplish that objective is to build and nurture a collection of contacts that are receptive to your messaging.

In other words, email marketing.

And no, email marketing is not just relying on the property alerts that your IDX solution sends to people.

An effective email marketing strategy involves sending messages that your contacts find valuable and are even enticed to share with someone else.

It doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, too many Realtors never start email marketing, or they give up way too soon because it becomes overwhelming for them.

If you’re using the right tool and sticking to the fundamentals, email marketing should be easy and enjoyable. And when it gets there, it can be highly profitable for you.

One tool we’ve been absolutely loving and that we’re using here is the perfect solution for growing and monetizing your email list…

Tool: Quuu - Automatically curate and schedule engaging content across Facebook, LinkedIn and X.

Overview: Quuu is an AI-driven platform that helps you increase the visibility and reach of your content, generating more interest in your services.

Helpful Features:

  • Intelligent Content Creation - A sophisticated, AI-driven approach to content curation, specifically tailored to each user’s unique characteristics and audience.

  • Daily Automation - Optimize and automate your posting schedule for heightened visibility and engagement, ensuring your content works harder for you.

Distributing and promoting your content shouldn’t be an afterthought.

We know how it goes, though.

You get inspired to create content, whether it’s an article you write or a video you publish.

Once it’s done, you breathe a huge sigh of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Then you hit publish.

The last thing you want to do is invest more time or mental space to ensure that people see your hard work.

We’re guilty of this ourselves.

This is why we love Quuu. It does so much of the heavy lifting for you.

So, if you’re realistically not going to spend the time needed to distribute and promote your content properly, then, at the very least, go check out and try Quuu. Your content will thank you.

If you have questions about our experience using Quuu or need help setting it up, drop us a reply, and we’ll be happy to help.

Trending Story of the Week

BoomTown, one of the more popular website and lead generation options for Realtors, was apparently hacked earlier this week causing a massive outage. The outage prevented Realtors on the platform from accessing their websites, lead services, and other tools provided by BoomTown.

We’re not mentioning this to kick BoomTown while they’re down. Instead, we want to use this as a valuable learning experience for ourselves and any Realtor who relies on the tools we all use to manage and grow our businesses.

What can we all take away from this outage?

First, it’s important to remember that any software we use can be hacked, brought down, or made unavailable for an extended period. There are many things that can cause these outages. And although there are certainly things that software companies can do and use to mitigate these risks, there will always be the possibility of an outage. Expect this, have a backup plan, and have some patience and understanding.

Second, if you’re going to invest in any element of your tech stack (especially your website) that you don’t completely control and own, then you need to fully vet the people and company behind the software you use. More specifically, how they handle outages, how is their service level agreement structured, and how they treat and help customers who need clarity and communication in frustrating situations.

Lastly, have your own plan in these situations. Be ready to pause ad campaigns, communicate with your buyers and sellers who might rely on your website, and be transparent with anyone who asks what is happening. At the end of the day, the outage is your impression on your clients and prospects. They don’t know or care who your website provider is or why they are down. To them, you and “your” tools are the problem and may reflect your services.

What would you do if your website, CRM, email, or other important tools went down for a week?

If you have a great contingency plan, then we’d love to hear it and even help you share it. This kind of foresight and planning could make potential buyers and sellers want to work with you even more.

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Thanks for reading.

See you next week.

The Real Estate Marketing Update Team @ imFORZA