🏡 The Real Estate Marketing Update - Edition 23

A model to create better social content, our favorite tool to find and use AI agents, and what Google Chrome's third-party cookies update means for you.


Read time: under 9 minutes

Welcome back.

This edition is one of our favorite ones yet. We share a proven model to follow for more effective social media content, our favorite tool to find and use AI agents that save us time from endless prompting, and what Google Chrome’s latest cookie tracking decision means for marketers.

If you're new here, don't worry. We've got you covered. Our previous editions are a treasure trove of tips, tools, and news. Check them out to stay ahead of the game.

Or, if you’re caught up, let’s jump right in.

Ready for some actionable insights in store for you in this edition… 

  • One actionable tip that can immediately boost your lead generation

  • One handy tool that can simplify your tech stack management

  • One essential news story

…and become at least 1% better at generating the right type of leads.

Tip of the Week

Want People to Engage with Your Social Posts? Follow This Proven Model Before Creating Another Post

Creating engaging and effective social media content can be challenging. You must stand out, capture attention, and convert followers into clients. The FUZED model, which stands for Funnel, Unique accounts reached, Zero-click, Engagement, and Dwell time, offers a comprehensive framework for your social media strategy. This edition’s tip will explain why and how you should use the FUZED model to enhance your social content, providing specific examples and detailed tips that are easy to understand and implement.

Understanding the FUZED Model


The funnel component of the FUZED model emphasizes the importance of aligning your content with different stages of the buyer’s journey. This involves creating content that caters to potential clients at each stage: awareness, consideration, and decision.

Unique Accounts Reached

This metric focuses on the number of unique users who see your content. Maximizing your reach is crucial to ensuring your message is seen by as many potential clients as possible.

Zero-Click Content

Zero-click content refers to posts that provide value without requiring the user to leave the platform. This type of content is designed to engage users directly within the social media platform.


Engagement measures how users interact with your content through likes, comments, shares, and saves. High engagement rates indicate that your content resonates with your audience.

Dwell Time

Dwell time is the amount of time users spend interacting with your content. The longer the dwell time, the more likely your content is to capture and hold the audience’s attention.

Why Realtors Should Use the FUZED Model

1. Comprehensive Strategy

The FUZED model provides a holistic approach to content creation, ensuring that all aspects of effective social media marketing are covered. By considering each element, you can create content that is not only engaging but also strategically aligned with your business goals.

2. Improved Reach and Visibility

Focusing on unique accounts reached helps you expand your audience. The more people see your content, the higher your chances of attracting potential clients.

3. Enhanced User Experience

Zero-click content improves the user experience by providing value directly within the platform. This makes it easier for users to engage with your content and increases the likelihood of shares and interactions.

4. Higher Engagement Rates

By creating content that encourages interaction, you can boost your engagement rates. Engaged followers are more likely to trust your expertise and consider your services.

5. Increased Attention Span

Content that maximizes dwell time keeps users engaged for longer periods. This enhances your content’s impact and signals to social media algorithms that your content is valuable, potentially increasing its visibility.

How to Implement the FUZED Model

Funnel: Tailoring Content for Each Stage

Awareness Stage

Example: Share informative blog posts, market updates, and community news to attract new followers.

Tip: Use high-quality visuals and catchy headlines to grab attention. For instance, “Top 5 Up-and-Coming Neighborhoods in [Your City]!”

Consideration Stage

Example: Post detailed property tours, client testimonials, and comparative market analyses.

Tip: Provide in-depth information and answer common questions. For example, “Client Testimonial: How We Found the Perfect Home for the Smith Family.”

Decision Stage

Example: Share special offers, limited-time deals, and personalized consultations.

Tip: Include strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and easy contact options. For instance, “Schedule a Free Consultation Today and Find Your Dream Home!”

Unique Accounts Reached: Maximizing Your Audience

Example: Use Instagram and Facebook ads to target specific demographics, such as first-time homebuyers or retirees looking to downsize.

Tip: Leverage platform analytics to understand which demographics are most engaged with your content and tailor your ad campaigns accordingly.

Zero-Click Content: Providing Instant Value

Example: Create engaging infographics, carousel posts, and short videos that provide valuable information without requiring users to click away.

Tip: Ensure your content is visually appealing and easy to consume. For example, an infographic on “The Home Buying Process in 5 Simple Steps” can be highly informative and shareable.

Engagement: Encouraging Interaction

Example: Host Q&A sessions, polls, and contests on your social media platforms.

Tip: Ask questions in your posts to prompt comments. For instance, “What’s the most important feature you look for in a new home? Comment below!”

Dwell Time: Capturing and Holding Attention

Example: Share longer-form content such as IGTV videos, Facebook Live sessions, and detailed stories about properties and client experiences.

Tip: Use storytelling techniques to make your content more engaging. For example, a video tour of a home with a narrative about its unique features and the story behind them can captivate viewers.

Specific Examples and Tips for Each Component

Funnel: Content for Every Stage

Awareness Example:

Post: “Discover the Charm of [Neighborhood] – Explore Top Attractions and Local Favorites!”

Tip: Use professional photography and engaging captions to highlight local attractions.

Consideration Example:

Post: “Inside Look: Stunning 4-Bedroom Home with Modern Amenities – Virtual Tour Available!”

Tip: Include detailed descriptions and high-quality video tours to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the property.

Decision Example:

Post: “Limited Offer: Get a Free Home Valuation When You List with Us by [Date]!”

Tip: Create urgency with time-sensitive offers and provide clear instructions on how to redeem them.

Unique Accounts Reached: Expanding Your Audience

Post: “Join Our Exclusive Webinar on Real Estate Investment Strategies – Limited Spots Available!”

Tip: Use targeted ads to reach users interested in real estate investment and promote the webinar across all your social media channels.

Zero-Click Content: Delivering Value Instantly

Post: “Top 10 Home Staging Tips for a Quick Sale – Swipe to Read More!”

Tip: Create a carousel post with each slide providing a different tip. This keeps users engaged without leaving the platform.

Engagement: Boosting Interaction

Post: “Tell Us Your Dream Home Feature – Comment Below for a Chance to Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!”

Tip: Incentivize engagement with a small prize and encourage followers to share their thoughts in the comments.

Dwell Time: Keeping Users Engaged

Post: “Watch Our Latest IGTV Episode: Transforming a Fixer-Upper into a Dream Home – Full Renovation Journey!”

Tip: Create compelling video content that tells a story and encourages viewers to watch until the end.

Combining the FUZED Elements for Maximum Impact

Integrated Example: A Comprehensive Campaign

1. Funnel: Start with an awareness post showcasing the benefits of living in a particular neighborhood. Follow up with a consideration post featuring a virtual home tour in that neighborhood. Conclude with a decision post offering a free consultation for potential buyers interested in that area.

2. Unique Accounts Reached: Promote each post with targeted ads to reach different segments of your audience, such as young professionals or families looking to move.

3. Zero-Click Content: Ensure each post provides immediate value. The awareness post can include fun facts about the neighborhood, the consideration post can offer a detailed property walkthrough, and the decision post can highlight the benefits of your consultation service.

4. Engagement: Encourage followers to comment on what they love about the neighborhood, ask questions about the property, and share the consultation offer with friends.

5. Dwell Time: Use engaging visuals and storytelling to keep users on your posts longer. For the virtual tour, provide detailed captions explaining each feature of the home.

Example Post Series

1. Awareness Post:

• Image/Video: Beautiful aerial view of the neighborhood.

• Caption: “Discover the charm of [Neighborhood]! From cozy cafes to vibrant parks, this area has it all. Swipe to explore! #RealEstate #NeighborhoodSpotlight”

• Call-to-Action: “What’s your favorite thing about [Neighborhood]? Comment below!”

2. Consideration Post:

• Image/Video: Virtual tour of a featured property.

• Caption: “Take a virtual tour of this stunning 3-bedroom home in [Neighborhood]. With modern amenities and spacious living areas, it’s the perfect place to call home. #HomeTour #RealEstate”

• Call-to-Action: “Interested in learning more? Send us a message!”

3. Decision Post:

• Image/Video: Professional photo of the property with a call-to-action.

• Caption: “Ready to find your dream home in [Neighborhood]? Schedule a free consultation today and get personalized advice tailored to your needs. Offer ends [Date]! #HomeBuying #RealEstate”

• Call-to-Action: “Send us a DM to book your consultation!”

Transforming Your Social Media Strategy with the FUZED Model

By implementing the FUZED model, you can create more effective and engaging social media content that resonates with your audience and drives results. Tailoring your content to different stages of the buyer’s journey, maximizing your reach, providing value without clicks, encouraging engagement, and increasing dwell time are all essential components of a successful strategy.

Need help with your social media or content marketing strategy?

Reach out for help. If you’re going to spend time and money putting out content, then at least make it good.

Tool of the Week

When You’re Tired of Prompting, Let A.I. Agents Do the Work for You

Every week, it seems like a new A.I. tool is released or updated, causing a never-ending horse race of which is the best/the one we should be using.

It can be very easy to waste time trying to stay on top of or ahead of these updates to get an edge over competitors.

If you’ve got your lead generation efforts on auto-pilot at this point, then, by all means, go dabble.

For everyone else, be smart with your time.

Which brings us to this edition’s recommended tool…

Tool: agent.ai - The professional network for A.I. agents

Overview: agent.ai is a marketplace of pre-built AI agents who perform specific tasks to help you generate more leads.

Helpful Features:

  • Prioritized Directory - Identify important marketing tasks needed to keep your website and online marketing converting as effectively as possible.

  • Get Things Done - Use pre-built AI agents to avoid prompting rabbit holes and get help improving your online marketing.

ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, Llama…

These are just some incredibly useful AI tools that can help you generate more leads for your business.

Each has its strengths and weaknesses.

Instead of dedicating time to figure out what those are, let a tool like agent.ai pull from the best to complete your marketing tasks and give you the best output possible.

Which AI agent seems most helpful to you?

We’ve found the Company Research Agent to be especially handy. Try one out and let us know what you think.

Trending Story of the Week

Third-Party Tracking is Here to Stay in Google Chrome

In an unexpected decision, Google Chrome recently announced that it will no longer remove third-party cookies.

“Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time.”

Anthony Chavez, VP, Privacy Sandbox at Google

Google is opting to give users the choice of whether or not they want their cookies blocked.

They’re also exploring a new technique called "Topics," which is being tested to replace third-party cookies. This technique assigns browsing history-based topics to users' browsers, allowing for ad targeting without revealing individual browsing data.

We’re going to see more of this.

Popular tools and platforms will be forced to find ways to give consumers the data privacy they want while collecting information they can repackage to advertisers.

So, although cookies aren’t going away just yet in Google Chrome, we will still look for other ways to collect our data—and you should, too.

Here are some things that you should be doing already:

  • Find and invest in native advertising opportunities, requesting access to collected data from those networks

  • Send personalized and relevant messages to your email subscribers, interspersing polls and questions to collect valuable feedback and data

  • Partner with trusted voices (influencers) that cater to your audience, collaborating with them to identify trends and data points you might be able to leverage

How are you collecting data on your prospects and clients? And what are you doing with that information?

Ask us how to keep your marketing efforts up to date so you can properly collect and utilize the valuable data your audience offers.

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Thanks for reading.

See you next week.

The Real Estate Marketing Update Team @ imFORZA