🏡 The Real Estate Marketing Update - Edition 25

How to leverage curiosity for lead generation, our favorite tool to identify relevant trending topics, and how Google's latest core update impacts your website.

Edition 25 of The Real Estate Marketing Update by imFORZA


Read time: under 7 minutes

Welcome back.

We tightened this edition to keep it under 7 minutes of your time, as our previous editions were getting a little lengthy. We didn’t leave out any of the juicy stuff, though.

In this edition, you’ll learn how to leverage curiosity for lead generation, use a free Google tool for content marketing and lead nurturing, and how Google’s latest core update impacts your website.

If you're new here, don't worry. We've got you covered. Our previous editions are a treasure trove of tips, tools, and news. Check them out to stay ahead of the game.

Or, if you’re caught up, let’s jump right in.

Ready for some actionable insights in store for you in this edition

  • One actionable tip that can immediately boost your lead generation

  • One handy tool that can simplify your tech stack management

  • One essential news story

and become at least 1% better at generating the right type of leads.

Tip of the Week

How to Manifest Luck and Use It in Your Online Marketing Strategy

Real estate success often feels like a mix of hard work and being in the right place at the right time.

But what if you could improve your chances of success—not by chance, but by strategy? 

The concept of “increasing your luck surface area,” popularized by Paul Graham, suggests that by actively exploring new ideas and embracing curiosity, you can create more opportunities for success. 

For you, this means that by cultivating curiosity and leveraging it in your daily work, you can generate more buyer and seller leads, build stronger relationships, and ultimately grow your business.

Understanding “Luck Surface Area”

“Luck surface area” refers to the idea that by putting yourself out there—by being curious, open-minded, and proactive—you can increase the number of opportunities that come your way.

It’s about combining curiosity with action. The more curious you are, the more you explore, experiment, and connect with others, the more likely you are to encounter situations that can lead to success.

In real estate, this could mean finding new clients, uncovering lucrative deals, or simply staying ahead of market trends.

How Curiosity Can Drive Real Estate Success

1. Curiosity Leads to Better Market Knowledge

Staying informed about the market is crucial.

Curiosity drives you to dig deeper into market trends, neighborhood dynamics, and economic factors that influence real estate. Instead of relying solely on the data provided by your MLS, you might explore local government websites, read economic reports, or attend community meetings.

This deeper understanding allows you to provide more value to your clients, positioning you as an expert who can offer insights beyond what they can find on their own.


You notice a trend in urban developments in a nearby city. Instead of just noting the trend, your curiosity pushes you to research the reasons behind it—perhaps a new company is relocating there, bringing jobs and increasing demand for housing. With this knowledge, you can reach out to potential buyers interested in investment properties, explaining why this area might be a smart choice.

2. Curiosity Encourages Innovative Marketing Strategies

Traditional marketing methods, while effective, can become stale.

Curiosity opens the door to new and creative marketing strategies that can set you apart from other Realtors.

Whether it’s experimenting with new social media platforms, trying out video marketing, or hosting unique open houses, curiosity leads to innovation.


You read about virtual reality (VR) being used in other industries and wonder if it could work for real estate. After some research and experimentation, you start offering virtual home tours using VR. This attracts tech-savvy clients and allows out-of-town buyers to view homes in a way that feels almost as good as being there in person.

3. Curiosity Builds Stronger Relationships

Relationships are everything.

Curiosity about people—their stories, motivations, and needs—helps you build deeper connections with your clients.

By genuinely wanting to understand what makes each client tick, you can tailor your services to meet their unique needs, leading to greater satisfaction and more referrals.


During a consultation, instead of sticking strictly to the script, you ask clients about their long-term goals, what they love about their current neighborhood, and what they envision in their new home. This leads to a deeper conversation that reveals they’re looking for a house and a community with excellent schools and parks for their young children. Focusing on these aspects makes you find the perfect home for them, exceeding their expectations.

4. Curiosity Opens the Door to Networking Opportunities

Curiosity doesn’t just apply to knowledge—it’s also about people.

Being curious about others in your field, potential partners, or even clients’ networks can open doors to new opportunities.

You increase your chances of making valuable connections by attending industry events, joining online forums, or simply reaching out to others with a genuine interest in what they do.


You attend a local real estate conference, and instead of just listening to the presentations, you start conversations with other attendees. One conversation leads to a partnership with a local home staging company, which refers clients to you whenever they need a Realtor. This partnership brings in a steady stream of new leads because you were curious enough to engage with others at the event.

5. Curiosity Fuels Continuous Learning

The real estate market is constantly changing, and those who are curious never stop learning.

By keeping a curious mindset, you’re more likely to seek out new information, whether it’s through books, podcasts, webinars, or courses.

This continuous learning keeps you sharp and positions you as a Realtor who is always on the cutting edge.


You come across a podcast about the latest trends in sustainable living and how it’s affecting the housing market. Intrigued, you dive deeper into the topic, learning about the types of eco-friendly features that are becoming popular among buyers. You then start incorporating this knowledge into your marketing, appealing to environmentally conscious clients looking for homes with green features.

Practical Tips for Increasing Your Luck Surface Area Through Curiosity

1. Set Aside Time for Exploration

Dedicate time each week to explore new topics, tools, or strategies related to real estate. This could involve reading industry blogs, attending webinars, or browsing news articles about market trends.

2. Ask More Questions

Make it a habit to ask more questions, whether you’re talking to clients, colleagues, or even during your research. Questions lead to deeper understanding and often uncover information you might not have considered.

3. Experiment with New Approaches

Don’t be afraid to try new things. Whether it’s a new marketing tactic, a different way of staging homes, or using technology in your listings, experimenting can lead to breakthroughs.

4. Connect with Others

Expand your network by attending events, joining online communities, or contacting people in your industry. Curiosity about others’ experiences and ideas can lead to new opportunities and collaborations.

5. Keep Learning

Make continuous learning a priority. Whether through formal education or self-directed study, staying curious and informed will help you stay ahead in the real estate market.

Embrace Curiosity to Grow Your Real Estate Business

Curiosity is more than just a personality trait—it’s a powerful tool that can help you “increase your luck surface area” in real estate.

By staying curious, asking questions, exploring new ideas, and continuously learning, you can create more opportunities for success.

Whether it’s gaining deeper market knowledge, building stronger relationships, or discovering innovative marketing strategies, curiosity can be the driving force that helps you generate more buyer and seller leads and grow your business.

So, start embracing curiosity today, and watch as your real estate career flourishes in unexpected ways.

By expanding your horizons and taking proactive steps, you’ll increase your luck and set yourself apart as a Realtor who is always ahead of the curve.

How are you stepping outside your comfort zone to become a more curious person and Realtor?

Maybe it’s just a matter of saying “yes” to that next invite that you’d usually turn down or dropping some of your Netflix time and replacing it with an online course on a topic your prospects keep asking about.

Tool of the Week

Never Run Out of Content Ideas or Follow-Up Topics with This Trends Tool

One competitive advantage you can have as a real estate agent is to be the agent with your finger on the pulse of everything relevant to real estate in your area.

With these insights, you become a resource for buyers, sellers, mortgage brokers, loan officers, developers, and even other agents.

These are all lead-generating relationships.

To stay informed, you can constantly bury your head in your device to spot trends on social media platforms and news sites.

We don’t recommend this, although we find value in the right tracking and monitoring processes on these sites.

Another option is to pay attention to what people are actually searching for in Google.

The best source for this data is one of our favorite online marketing hacks and this edition’s featured tool

Tool: Trending Now on Google Trends - discover what’s trending in your area

Overview: Trending Now on Google Trends is an incredible, free tool for exploring local insights and delving deeper into trends relevant to your business or location.

Helpful Features:

  • Powerful Filtering - Drill trends down into the most relevant to your preferred location and time period.

  • Helpful Sorting - Reorder trends results by trend status (active or not) and by relevance, search volume, or recency.

  • Export Options - Download trend data into a .csv, to your clipboard, or even as an RSS feed to subscribe to trend updates.

Ok, you might be asking

How will knowing that “Matthew Perry” or “Monkeypox” is trending as a Google search help me sell more homes?

RIP Matthew Perry 😱 (Chandler was the best Friends character by far. Don’t try to convince us otherwise.

Here’s an example of how trending searches can help you

In our example/screenshot above, you will see “Intuit Dome” as the 6th top trending search. This is a new arena that Steve Ballmer built for the Clippers in Los Angeles. The term is trending because the arena just opened and had some issues with their app for their opening Bruno Mars concert.

Ignoring the app snafu, you can use the topic of the new arena as a talking point to your buyers and sellers (assuming you’re an LA-based agent). You can discuss opportunities surrounding the new arena and the activity and commerce it will surely bring.

See how that works?

The content opportunities and conversation starters with your contacts are endless.

Check it out and see what you can pull out of there to jumpstart your marketing, networking, and prospecting conversations.

How many trending topics are relevant to your real estate business?

We bet there are at least 5 (out of the initial 25 results) that you can immediately use in some way for lead generation. Let us know if you need help spotting yours.

Trending Story of the Week

Google’s August 2024 Core Update: What’s Included and Its Potential Impact on Your Traffic

Google recently rolled out its newest core update, and, as usual, webmasters and SEOs are running to their analytics dashboards to identify any significant impacts on their organic traffic.

“This update is designed to continue our work to improve the quality of our search results by showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search.”

John Mueller, Search Advocate, Google

Before we jump into this one, let’s make something clear

If you’re checking your site’s organic rankings and freak out every time you see a result jump a few positions, then you’re focused on the wrong thing.

Organic rankings are not absolute. They are relative to someone’s location, history, personalization, etc. What you see in a certain position is not always the same thing someone else will see.

Instead, focus on organic traffic in your analytics. This should be divided into two buckets: one for branded organic traffic and one for non-branded.

Both of these should gradually increase over time.

If they’re not, then you’re (1) not doing a good job of building brand equity and (2) not paying attention to what Google tells you they care about.

When you focus on publishing extremely helpful content, improving user experience on your website, and distributing and promoting the information you put out, you don’t need to worry about what each new core update might do to your organic traffic.

Are you still tracking rankings as a primary success metric?

Be honest. It’s okay; many agents and brokers are. It’s time to break this habit, though. Let us know if you need help shifting to properly tracking the growth of your organic traffic and not the positions of what you think are your most important keywords.

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Thanks for reading.

See you next week.

The Real Estate Marketing Update Team @ imFORZA